About the Session

Plastics supply chains cross borders: from virgin and recycled resin production to the manufacturing of products and packaging, and the management of waste destined to recycling facilities. While there are successful national policies to reduce some plastic waste, there remains many challenges to creating efficient circular economies that compel cross-sector and cross-border collaboration to develop solutions that will boost the global recovery of plastics. This Accelerator Session of the World Circular Economy Forum 2021 is a foremost opportunity to hear from experts, share wide ranging experiences and deepen the dialogue on the challenges and solutions to advancing a global circular plastics economy.

From September 13-15, 2021, the 2021 World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2021) will be virtual once again. It will be hosted for the first time in North America, jointly by the Government of Canada and Sitra.The event will bring together leaders, policymakers, experts and enthusiasts from around the world to focus on the key actions and systemic changes needed to create the conditions for long-term success on the path towards a thriving circular economy that contributes to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Programme details can be found at: https://www.wcef2021.com/

On September 15, 2021, the European Union, the Canada Plastic Pact and the Circular Economy Coalition are thrilled to host a WCEF21 two-hour Accelerator Session on Plastics starting at 9h45 EST to 11h45 EST (GMT/UTC-4). The session is designed to:

  • Facilitate exchanges among Canadian and European counterparts and increase awareness of possible solutions to barriers to the circular economy.
  • Advance knowledge of how businesses operate within current policy approaches, especially concerning:
    1) Achieving recycled content goals;
    2) Achieving success with innovative circular business models;
    3) Influencing within global supply chains.
  • Enlarge the existing network of collaborators among EU and Canadian counterparts.

Registration is open to global participation and will be limited to 125 participants to ensure the session can be maximally interactive.

The event will be held as part of the activities of the project “Reducing plastic waste in Canada – Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns”.
The project is funded by the European Union under the Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), coordinated by the EU Delegation to Canada and implemented by the EPRD-Consortium under the contract FPI – PSF 2019 Lot 2 “Technical Assistance”.