Market research

What we offer

Our clients can benefit from offer developed by experienced researchers in the field of market analysis.

We are open to challenges in various sectors of the economy. We carry out rapid ad hoc analyses that allow for making urgent decisions as well as advanced marketing analyses aimed at gaining a competitive advantage.


Each study is a challenge for us. There are no two identical products or the universal approach to the analysed projects. Individual selection of research methodology for each Client is a guarantee of the quality and usefulness of market data used in the analyses we develop.

How do we work

  • In each case we consult and define the needs of our Client. Thanks to this, we can develop an innovative methodology tailored to the commissioned study.
  • We use a variety of methods and research techniques, which makes data collected from the market reliable and accurately depicts reality.
  • Our Client has access to current reports on the progress of research, which allows for quick response and the possibility of modification.
  • We create and implement activities that affect the achievement of the assumed objectives.
  • We recommend ready-to-implement solutions that allow Clients to plan strategically.

Offered types of research

  • Market research
  • Brand research
  • Customer research
  • Product testing
  • Mystery consumer
  • Qualitative research (FGI, IDI, TDI)
  • Quantitative research (CATI, CAWI, CAPI)
  • Analysis of existing data (desk research)
Please contact us
contact us

Małgorzata Olesiak tel. 41 345 32 71