Roadmaps facility 2015

Since January 2015 EPRD’s team will continue supporting the EU Delegations in developing countries in preparation of roadmaps for engagement with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). In 2014 our experts under the lead of Ms. Beatriz Sanz Corella provided their assistance to over almost 100 EUDs (both on a remote basis and through field missions) and it is foreseen that approximately 100 of RMs will be finalised by the end of the year 2014, whereas the remaining ones (around 20) should therefore be finalised during the first semester of 2015.

These Roadmaps are meant to activate and ensure structured dialogue and cooperation with CSOs in order to improve the impact, predictability and visibility of EU actions, and to ensure consistency and synergy of support to CSOs through the various sectors covered by EU external relations. These Roadmaps are also meant to progressively trigger coordination and sharing of best practices with Member States and other international actors.

Acknowledging that the identification of local needs lies with local actors, the roadmaps are developed by EU Delegations, in close cooperation with Member States and sometimes other donors, taking into account the views of local civil society and existing coordination structures. The roadmaps identify long term objectives of EU cooperation with CSOs from partner countries and encompass dialogue as well as operational support.

The development of the Roadmaps has been closely associated to the programming cycle 2014-2017 for EU external assistance, and in some cases, with the EU Joint programming process It should also be articulated with the EU Human Rights Country Strategies.

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