Riga Conclusions in Candidate countries

The Riga Conclusions 2015 introduced the role of vocational and education and training (VET) in the agenda of the 28’s and the candidate countries in the Union progress of integration. Modernising VET and achieving the deliverables are the main objectives of this declaration which enforces partnership with social partners and relevant stakeholders and institutions.

Bearing that in mind, the European Training Foundation (ETF) has been asked to support the EU candidate countries – Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey – with the implementation and monitoring of the Riga Conclusions.

In this context, and for this purpose, EPRD, under a new ETF funded assignment titled “Reporting on VET and VET – related policy in Serbia within the context of implementation of the Riga Conclusions 2015”, will provide his support as part of the project “Torino Process – Riga Conclusions in Candidate Countries”.

The assignment will report the status of the project in Serbia, especially those related to the five priority areas or Medium Term Deliverables for VET for the period 2015-2020: 1. To promote work-based learning, 2. Further develop quality assurance mechanisms in VET, 3. Enhance access to VET and qualifications, 4. Strengthen key competencies in the VET curricula and 5. Introduce systematic approaches and opportunities for initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors.

EPRD will work in close cooperation with the ETF team, the country Director General for vocational education and training (DGVT) and other relevant country stakeholders in order to contribute to the success of this programme.

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