It is our great pleasure to inform you that EPRD-led Consortium has been awarded with the new four-year framework contract – Services for Implementation of External Aid (SIEA 2018), Lot 4 – Human Development and safety net.

Our Company will, therefore, provide expertise in the key areas related to Education, VET, LLL, Culture, Social Inclusion and Protection, Health as well as R&I.

Gaining considerable experience while working within European Commission framework contracts during the previous years, EPRD will be also a part of Consortia for other Lots of this Framework Contract, as specified below:

Lot 1 – Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience
Lot 2 – Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs
Lot 3 – Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
Lot 6 – Innovative financing for Development

The whole team is very eager and excited to start with this new framework and be as successful as during the previous editions.

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