Digital Partnerships in Action (DPA)

Public-Private Stakeholders Workshop
in preparation of the
EU-Japan Digital Partnership Council Meeting

Online (Information and Registration)

17 April 2024 (9:00 – 12:00 CEST / 16:00 – 19:00 JST)


09:00-09:05 CEST / 16:00-16:05 JST – Welcome by the organisers

Peter FATELNIG, Minister-Counsellor, Digital Economy Policy, Delegation of the European Union to Japan

09:05-09:20 CEST / 16:05-16:20 JST – Opening Remarks: Status of the Digital Partnership

Toshiyuki ZAMMA, Director General, Digital Agency, Government of Japan

Tomohiro USHIYAMA, Deputy Director-General for IT Strategy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Government of Japan

Yasuo TAWARA, Director-General of the Global Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Government of Japan

Thibaut KLEINER, Director, Policy Strategy and Outreach, DG Connect, European Commission

09:20-09:40 CEST / 16:20-16:40 JST – The EU-Japan Digital Partnership: Stakeholders’ View

Joël GUSCHKER, Senior Manager for International Affairs and Trade Policy, DIGITALEUROPE

Fabio CRISAFULLI, Director, Alliances and Netvibes, Dassault Systèmes, EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT)

Marco CANTON, Chair of Digital Innovation Committee, Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE)

Akiko HARADA, Deputy General Manager, Green Innovation Department, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)

09:40-10:00 CEST / 16:40-17:00 JST – Artificial Intelligence

Setting the scene: Juha HEIKKILÄ, DG Connect, European Commission

Emanuela GIRARDI, President, AI, Data and Robotics Association (ADRA)

Lars BRUCKNER, Vice-chair of Digital Innovation Committee, Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE)


10:00-10:20 CEST / 17:00-17:20 JST – Semiconductors

Setting the scene: Jonas JÜTTING, DG Connect, European Commission

Roberto Zafalon, Board Member, European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA), Director, Europe Institutional Relationships, STMicroelectronics

Meishoku MASAHARA, General Manager of R&D Department, Leading Edge Semiconductor Technology Centre (LSTC)


10:20-10:40 CEST / 17:20-17:40 JST – Quantum Research and Innovation

Setting the scene: OSCAR DIEZ, DG Connect, European Commission

Thierry BOTTER, Executive Director of the Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC)

Shunsuke OKADA, Chair, Executive Committee, Quantum STrategic industry Alliance for Revolution (Q-STAR)


10:40-11:00 CEST / 17:40-18:00 JST – Cybersecurity

Setting the scene: Tomomi MAEDA, Deputy Director, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Government of Japan

Joanna SWIATKOWSKA, Deputy Secretary General, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)

Motohiko SATO, Manager, Global Public Policy Department, Japan Association for New Economy (JANE)


11:00-11:20 CEST / 18:00-18:20 JST -Submarine Cables

Setting the scene: Yoshikazu OKAMOTO, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Government of Japan


Masamichi AKAZAWA, Director, Head of Sales and Marketing Group, Submarine Network Division NEC Corporation


11:20-11:40 CEST / 18:20-18:40 JST – Digital Identity

Setting the scene: Miki MIZUNO, Section Chief, Digital Agency, Government of Japan

Laurent LOUP, Senior Product Manager, SICPA, EU Digital Wallet Consortium (EWC)

Naohiro FUJIE, Researcher, Keio University


11:40-12:00 CEST / 18:40-19:00 JST – Wrap-up and Conclusions

Koichiro NAKAMICHI, Counsellor, Digital Agency, Government of Japan

Peter FATELNIG, Minister-Counsellor, Digital Economy Policy, Delegation of the European Union to Japan