Digital Partnerships in Action (DPA)

EU-Japan Digital Partnership:
Public-Private Stakeholder Workshop
17th April 2024


The First EU-Japan Digital Partnership Council on July 3, 2023, identified a number of cooperation priorities for digital technologies. These priorities include semiconductors, AI, high performance computing and quantum, Beyond 5G, data governance and Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT), digital connectivity, platforms, and cybersecurity.

The second EU-Japan Digital Partnership Council will take place at the ministerial level on 30 April, 2024 and will review progress and identify future oriented actions.

Ahead of the second Council meeting, it is essential to engage with stakeholders to explain about developments under the Digital Partnership thus far, provide an opportunity for stakeholders to give feedback on the Partnership, and to help identify new priorities or areas for enhanced engagement.

The workshop will therefore:

  • Introduce and promote the work done under the EU-Japan Digital Partnership so far;
  • Provide stakeholders an opportunity to exchange views or provide feedback on the Partnership;
  • Allow for the identification of new priority topics or develop ideas, engagement and commitments from stakeholders towards the EU-Japan Digital Partnership.

Key stakeholders include Industry and industry associations, the research community, civil society, or think tanks, willing to contribute to the EU-Japan Digital Partnership.

Date: 17 April 2024  16:00 – 19:00 (JST); (9:00 – 12:00 CEST)

Format: Online. The event will be held in English language only – no interpretation.



  • DG CONNECT, European Commission, and the Delegation of the European Union to Japan
  • Digital Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)