We are pleased to inform you that EPRD Office for Economic Policy and Regional Development, as one of the few Polish enterprises (and only one for three lots), has been included on the list of service providers in the Framework Contracts EuropeAid/119860/C/SV/Multi which involve provision of short term (up to 12 months) consultancy and technical assistance in countries of the whole world.
It is yet another step towards broadening the range of services provided at the international level.
This success is quite remarkable, particularly because EPRD, as a partner of consortia led by internationally renowned companies, has been awarded contracts in all three Lots it was bidding for, namely:
– Lot 1: Rural development and food security – in a consortium led by HTSPE Ltd.
– Lot 6: Environment – in a consortium led by Agrifor Consult S.A.
– Lot 9: Education, employment and social – in a consortium led by Agriconsulting Europe S.A.
Agreements with the European Commission has already been concluded which means that first requests for services are expected to come in during the next few days. In reference to this, the International Department of EPRD would like to invite all free-lance consultants to frequently visit the job section of www.eprd.pl where job vacancies connected with the Framework Contracts as well as other assignments are being posted regularly.