Integration of Key Competences into the Education Sector of Montenegro

The Covid 19 crises and related measures have influenced the dynamics of EPRD Project “Integration of Key Competences into the Education Sector of Montenegro”. However, new working processes were established accordingly and implementation of activities within all Project components continues with some adjustments.
Despite the pandemic, EPRD and its Project team are still devoted to improving the quality of primary and secondary education in Montenegro, and hence, between 12-17 October 2020, our team delivered a number of trainings to school principals and school management teams in Budva. 3 groups of principals from primary and secondary schools from the south of Montenegro were trained on the topic of integration of key competencies in schools. The goal was to inform them about our Project and encourage the principals to send teachers for on-line trainings we provide in the Project. It was also an occasion to organize the meeting of the Project team.
Of course, all epidemiological safety measures were applied (masks, sanitizers, social distance, number of participants, etc.).
We’ll keep putting further effort into supporting the Ministry of Education and other Beneficiaries in their efforts to improve the quality of education in Montenegro by the development of the national key competence curriculum framework, and aligning it with the European Council Recommendation on Key Competences for LLL, so follow us for further info.



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