EPRD will contribute to creation of national youth policy in BiH

EPRD will continue its provision of support for the youth, initiated with the project “Youth in the labour market” successfully implemented in Croatia. This time we will  participate in  a 20-month “EU Support to the coordination and implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national youth policy” as a partner to international consortium. The project will aim to create conditions for better and more efficient dialogue and more functional coordination among stakeholders responsible for youth issues in BiH. The results to be achieved by the implementation of the project are a) to enhance the capacity of the Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues for efficient and effective implementation of its mandate as well as of other beneficiaries of the project, b) to develop a platform for monitoring and evaluation and for collection of statistical data related to the youth issues, c) to design the structures and models required for full participation in Community Programmes related to youth and d) to develop recommendations for future activities.

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