New project in Azerbaijan

We are proud to announce that EPRD led consortium has been selected to implement the “Support to the Ministry of Education in further development of NQF Level 5 qualifications and strengthening the resilience of the education system in Azerbaijan” project with a value of 4.2 mln EUR. The project will be carried out in accordance with the strategic directions as set up within the  Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development, supporting ongoing reforms in the Azerbaijani educational system by providing technical assistance.

The Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development adopted by the President of Republic of Azerbaijan in February 2021, aims to ensure the strengthening and modernization of the national economy. The main prerequisites for this are a modern educational system, and an environment that enables and encourages innovation.

The project aims to contribute to the modernisation and quality of the education system in Azerbaijan, in conjunction with vocational education and training, in a lifelong learning context. The activities will include, among others, supporting relevant institutions in Azerbaijan to strengthen and further develop NQF Level 5 education and training as part of AzNQF and to improve the integration of the education graduates into the labour market. Furthermore the project will help with strengthening the resilience of the education system in Azerbaijan through its operating model to better prepare for changing context.

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