Digital Partnerships in Action (DPA)

Building Trust on the Next Generation Web – Expert Workshop on exploring use cases on the Interoperability of Japan’s Trusted Web and the EU Digital Identity Wallet

About the Event

Date: 24 January 2024
Time : (08h00 – 11h00 CET / 16:00 – 19:00 JST)
Venue: Online

In line with the agreements made at the recent EU-Japan Digital Partnership Council Meeting held in Tokyo on 3rd July 2023, Trust services: digital identity and digital signatures are a priority area of cooperation. In this respect, the joint Declaration agreed, specifies that “Both sides should continue working through pilot projects towards the interoperability of their trust services, which are key enablers for public administrations, business transactions and e-commerce. This can pave the way for mutual recognition, which is a long-term goal”.

As part of the activities agreed between the EU and Japan in the context of the Digital Partnership agreement, it has been identified the need to ensure the interoperability of Japan’s trusted web and the EU Digital Identity Wallet through exploring concrete use cases (such as recognition of diplomas, drivers licenses) to underpin digital trade and Data Free Flow with Trust. The teams of DG CONNECT and the Japan Digital Agency should present joint use-cases for next Digital Partnership Council meeting in 2024.

The main goal of this Expert Workshop is to bring together representatives of different stakeholders (from the government, industry, academia, and other relevant institutions) to identify and discuss relevant concrete use cases and provide recommendations for possible follow-up. In this connection, proposals for concrete actions shall be agreed upon in order to boost the cooperation in this important topic, reinforcing peer learning and sharing of knowledge. The event will therefore serve to present and debate concrete use cases and initiate discussions on how to cooperate to operationalize the decisions taken, in light of further deepening the cooperation between the EU and Japan.