On 11 May 2010 the IPA project EUNES – “Technical Assistance to enhance the data management, forecasting and monitoring and evaluation capacity of the National Employment Service” was presented during the press conference organised in the Serbian Ministry of Economy and Regional Development.

The projectassumptions and its importance for the Serbian employment services were presented both by the Assistant Minister – Ms Liliana Djuver and the Director General of National Employment Service – Mr Dejan Jovanović. The commitment of the European Union in supporting Serbian government in implementation of necessary reforms was underlined by Mr Jose Bustamante – First Counsellor of the EU Delegation in Serbia.

After the press conference, there was organised the Steering Committee, where main findings and results of project’s preparatory phase were discussed as well as the inception report was approved.

The EUNES project is being implemented by the consortium EEO, EPRD, S&T, and TARA. The project budget is 988,000 €.