We are pleased to announce that EPRD has just signed the Framework Agreement for Technical Assistance to JASPERS’ beneficiary countries in connection with the award in Lot 9: Compliance with environmental regulations under EEC regulations/law (including EIA, Natura 2000, IPPC, etc.). The consortium led by EPRD will provide support to twelve JASPERS’ beneficiary Member States (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) in various stages of project preparation as well as early stages of project implementation, in particular those financed through Cohesion Fund and ERDF. Specifically, the assistance will be provided in concept development, review of documentation, environmental assessment as well as in preparation of applications for Structural and Cohesion Funds. The framework agreement has been signed for 1 year and may be extended by three additional periods of one year each.

Apart from leading Lot 9, as a partner of international consortium EPRD has been also selected to implement 3 other lots:

  • Lot 5 (knowledge economy- R&D/Innovation)
  • Lot 7 (knowledge economy- Health)
  • Lot 8 (knowledge economy- Education)