On 17th July in Warsaw took place a wrap-up meeting summarizing the implementation of an 8-month project “Recruitment consultancy for ERDF Research & Development projects in Poland” commissioned to EPRD by the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The project constituted a part of broader scope of activities related to assistance for five R&D centres recently established in Poland with an aim to transfer technologies developed there to the respective industries. The current project focused on supporting the five R&D centres in developing human resources strategy through elaboration of recruitment plans for relevant posts.

The meeting was attended by EIB project coordinator, EPRD experts and the beneficiaries: Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology (CePT), Wroclaw Research Centre EIT+, Wielkopolska Centre of Advanced Technologies (WCAT), Centrum of Advanced Materials and Technology (CEZAMAT), the Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CENT III).

EPRD experts carried out assessment of the needs of the beneficiaries in relation to the development of human resources followed by drafting of recruitment plans which will be implemented and duplicated in the forthcoming years. Furthermore, for all the R&D centres participating in the project human resources development plans were prepared as well as they were provided with contacts network for future recruitment.