It is a pleasure to inform you that EPRD, leading the international consortium has been awarded a framework contract for the European Commission “Lot 1 – Drawing up terms of reference and/or assessing invitations to tender”.

The contract will be effective for an initial period of 2 years with possibility of additional 2-year extension.

In this place we would like to thank our consultants who expressed their will to cooperate with EPRD and consortium partners during tender stage. This is mainly your rich experience which put us on a winning position.

It is also worth pointing out that EPRD is a first consulting company from new Member States which as a leader was awarded framework contract! This is yet another confirmation that company’s standards are at the highest European level.

Moreover, this positive evaluation of our efforts caused that we are going to still develop our procedures and capacities in order to <i><b>shape the future</i></b> of our clients through tailored-made advisory services.