We are glad to inform you that EPRD has been awarded a project in Bulgaria: “Creating project pipeline for SF applications – Quality Control of ERDF and ESF project proposal, Bulgaria”.

Bulgaria has been preparing for the implementation of the Structural Funds for years through various Phare projects. The current tender is one of them; it comprises the fourth of a series of tenders (sub-projects) funded through the 2005 Multiannual Bulgarian National Phare Programme.

The above mentioned project relates directly to the preceding Phase 1: “Support for preparing good quality strategic documents, promotion of partnership and cooperation and assistance for project development capacity”. The screening, checking and evaluation of project ideas gathered in the frame of this contract was completed in late autumn 2007.

The current tender should be related only to three of the seven operational programmes introduced for the period 2007-2013, namely OP “Regional Development”, OP “Human Resource Development” and OP “Administrative Capacity”.

In order to enhance efficient expenditure of Structural Funds the following results are envisaged to be achieved by the Consultant within the framework of the project: (1) Procedural Manual for quality control delivered by the end of the inception phase, (2) approximately 70-90 ERDF and 250-500 ESF project proposals quality controlled by the quality control team and submitted for consideration to the relevant Managing Authorities for Structural Funds financing, (3) measure specific checklists elaborated for quality control of ERDF and ESF projects.

Contract value amounts to 321 000 euro.