EPRD will be continuing the provision of employment consulting services in the Balkans through the project “Youth in the labour market”  to be implemented in Croatia. The international consortium led by Gopa and comprising two other German companies and EPRD has been recently awarded this 18-month contract financed through IPA Human Resource Development component.

This project will contribute to the solving problems of youth employment at the regional level by development of the youth employment action plans that will address main problems and challenges and through development and implementation of new,  more tailor made services of CES which can support access of youth into the labour market. The purpose of the project is to reduce youth unemployment at the regional level and to promote and foster employment of youth at the regional level (following partnership approach) through development and implementation of active labour market policy.

Within the framework of the project local stakeholders will develop  and improve their knowledge and skills on youth employment issues and propose  appropriate actions to tackle problems of youth in the labour market. Furthermore, capacities of the CES to deliver better tailored and more targeted services to unemployed youth will be increased.

The team of three international experts proposed for the implementation activities will see to smooth and successful realization of the foreseen measures and the expertise of the local consultants will facilitate region specific solutions.

The project budget is 1,099,055 €