Project card

Project category

Expertise and research work,Strategies and development programmes,

Project title

Evaluation of the Science and Innovation interventions – Project/Programme Final Evaluation.




European Commission


European Commission

Project description:

EPRD will conduct a final evaluation of the Science and Innovation interventions implemented in the Republic of Serbia since June 2020 till present. The evaluation will cover the following projects: - Serbia Advancing Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Serbia Advancing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Grants - Increased innovation capacity and technological readiness of SMEs - EU Support to Science and Technology Park Belgrade for Services to Innovative Companies. The evaluation will serve to: - map main national stakeholders, their responsibilities in the areas of access to finance and business advisory services to SME; - identify and map main ongoing interventions at donor and Government level; - understand the performance of the interventions and the reasons behind it; - identify main gaps; - identify priorities; - identify intervention areas for possible future EU support and adjustment of ongoing EU measures; - develop a draft outline of possible future support measures. The project will start in January 2024 and will be continued till August.

Start date: 2023-12-15

End date: 2024-08-31