Project card

Project category

Project title





To provide Technical Assistance to the EUD in Chile on priority cooperation areas, including the development of policy briefs, studies and others that may be required in the different areas of cooperation. 1 All EU-funded actions must promote the cross-cutting objectives of the EC: environment and climate change, rights based approach, persons with disability, indigenous peoples and gender equality. ToR OPSYS – part A – Specific Contract – Support Measures Chile Page 4 To assist the implementation of Team Europe Initiatives, particularly of Development of Renewable Hydrogen in Chile and coordinate its actions with related institutions and actors. To support the preparation and organisation of policy dialogue events in priority areas. To directly support the Delegation with the monitoring and implementation of EU cooperation programmes/actions that include Chile; in the analysis of current and potential areas of dialogue and cooperation, strengthening the bilateral EU-Chile relations.


Project description:

The general objective is to provide Technical Assistance to the EUD in Chile, facilitating the efficient implementation of relevant cooperation programmes in Chile and to support policy dialogue activities, through the mobilisation of long and short-term technical assistance in the priority areas for cooperation with Chile and the logistical implementation of said events/activities.

Start date: 2023-01-01

End date: 2025-12-31