Project card

Project category

Strategies and development programmes,

Project title

Roadmaps support facility 2015: Support facility to EU Delegations in the elaboration and follow up of “Country Roadmaps for engagement with Civil Society Organisations”




European Commission


European Commission Delegations

Project description:

EPRD will provide strategic support and guidance to EUD staff in the process of developing, monitoring and updating of their “EU country roadmaps for engagement with civil society organisations“. Based on the requests for support clearly expressed by EUDs, this facility will provide technical and methodological guidance to EUDs in the scope of: 1. Support in the elaboration / updating of roadmaps; 2. Support in the monitoring / evaluation of roadmaps; 3. Capitalization; 4. Communication and knowledge sharing.

Start date: 2015-01-01

End date: 2015-12-31