Strategies and development programmes,
EU Joint Programming in Kenya
European Commission
European Commission
Global objective is to maximise EU+MS (EU+ Member States) contribution to the implementation of Kenya's Medium-Term Plan 2 (MTP 2). Specific-objective is to guide-the-EU-Delegation and the EU Member States-towards the-finalization of the EU Joint Programming Strategy in Kenya. EU Joint Programming Strategy in Kenya will include the following: 1. A joint analysis of the development challenges and priorities of Kenya as per MTP 2. 2. An overview of the division of labor and the degree of synchronization of EU actors in Kenya. 3. An emphasis on the sector priorities of the EU in Kenya, where the EU actors share a joint analysis, a joint program and (when possible) joint implementation modalities. 4. Mechanisms for annual monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the EU Joint Programming Strategy. 5. A joint strategy for the visibility of EU development assistance to Kenya. The project will be implemented between March and July 2014.
Start date: 2014-04-07
End date: 2014-09-30