Project card

Project category

Expertise and research work,

Project title

Evaluation of the Instrument for Stability Crisis Preparedness Component (2007-2013) - various countries




European Commission


Selected countries

Project description:

EPRD experts will assess to what extent the IfS Crisis preparedness component has been relevant, efficient, effective and sustainable in contributing to conflict prevention, crisis preparedness and peace-building. It should also assess the coordination and complementarity with other donors and actors, the coherence with the relevant EU policies and activities as well as with relevant international legal commitments. The evaluation shall focus on four main thematic areas of the component relating to: - Improving the capacity of Non-State Actors in conflict prevention, crisis preparedness and peace-building - Natural resources and conflicts - Mediation and dialogue - Women, peace and security / Gender-mainstreaming.

Start date: 2013-09-18

End date: 2014-02-28