Project card

Project category

Applications and submissions for financial resources/assistance, economic analysis,Environmental analysis,

Project title

Re-construction of Gmina roads: street in Brożka Housing Estatet, Leśna Street, Wiejska Street, Włoszczowa




Gmina of Włoszczowa


Gmina of Włoszczowa

Project description:

The project was prepared in relation of co-financing under the framework of Integrated Operational Program of regional Development (ZPORR), Priority 3: The local development (Activity 3.1. The rural areas ) aiming at counter-action against social and economical marginalization of the rural areas and small towns up to 20 thou. inhabitants to the conditions for diversification of business activity, growth of employment and increase of trading and investment attractiveness in this project areas. The project was related with re-construction of the street in Brożka Housing Estate and Leśna and Wiejska Streets in Włoszczowa. The wider purpose of this project was to increase the rural areas attractiveness for local and exterior investors, formation friendly environment for micro-business development and to increase employment abilities for local community by improving of the road infrastructure conditions.

Start date: 2004-05-01

End date: 2004-07-31