Project card

Project category

Expertise and research work,

Project title

Second Evaluation of IFS, Priority 1 (CBRN)




European Commission


Commission + Beneficiary countries

Project description:

EPRD will carry out the Second Evaluation of Instrument for Stability, Priority 1 (CBRN - "Risk mitigation and preparedness relating to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials or agents") The overall objective of the Second Evaluation is to assess the results of the IfS Priority 1 activities from 2010, in particular against the following parameters: • Relevance of the projects in the given context; • Quality of the project design and beneficiary coverage; • Efficiency of the project implementation in terms of expected results; • Effectiveness of the projects in addressing the objectives; • Impact and sustainability of the projects as a whole and against selected indicators; • Coherence and synergies of the projects against the activities funded by other donors in the relevant area • EU visibility promoted by the operations. Additionally, the Second Evaluation will assess strong as well as weak points of the EU strategic and operational approach applied in the relevant area and provide recommendations for a future strategic and operational approach in view of achieving overall sustainable results. The evaluation will be carried out within January - July 2012.

Start date: 2011-10-01

End date: 2012-05-31