Strategies and development programmes,Expertise and research work,
Final Evaluation of the Decentralised Demand-Driven Action (DDDA) Component of the Rural Poverty Reduction Programme under the 9th EDF in Namibia
European Commission
National Plannning Commission Secretariat - Namibia
A major thrust of Namibia’s development policies is rural poverty reduction, through improving the livelihood of the rural population. The Rural Poverty Reduction Programme (RPRP) is one of the European Commission’s contributions to the Namibian Government in pursuing these policies. DDDA’s are an innovative mechanism providing the opportunity to solicit the participation of civic and semi-governmental organisation in augmenting the Government of Namibia’s efforts in poverty reduction. New approaches and technologies and diverse actors can address rural poverty from angles sometimes out of reach of more conventional governmental actions and development aid. The DDDA component seeks to reduce rural poverty by financing projects which directly stimulate rural economic activity through increasing output and productivity, raising incomes and creating employment for the rural poor. The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess the impact of the DDDA Instrument and the selected Actions on the living standards of the rural poor in Namibia. The specific objective of the evaluation is to find out what worked well and what did not work well. The evaluation should provide detailed information on the achievements of the Instrument and the selected Actions (physical and non-physical) and provide an independent opinion of their outcomes so far. The assessment should be based on the five DAC evaluation criteria.
Start date: 2010-09-01
End date: 2010-12-31