Strategies and development programmes,Expertise and research work,
Evaluation of the Stabex Programme in Rwanda (2002-2010)
European Commission
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
The global objective of the project is to conduct the evaluation of the different components of the program funded under the COM STABEX 96-99. The operational framework for COM (Cadre d’Obligations Mutuelles 1996-1999 – Framework for Mutual Bonds Fund 1996-1999) is structured as follows: - Under COFFEE Programme: reviving the coffee sector through support for the l’OCIR Café (Rwanda Coffee Development Authority) and for the development (infrastructure, equipment and operation) of an in vitro coffee laboratory for ISAR (Rwanda Agricultural Research Institute); - Under Privatisation Programme: financial support for the tea, coffee and pyrethrum sectors. - Under Diverisfication Programme: determine the feasibility of supporting the diversification of export production sectors and, where applicable, the legal and practical arrangements for managing the Diversification Funds. - Under Decentralisation Programme: the continuation of activities undertaken within the first phase of the Social Infrastructure Project and implementation of certain activities of PNRP / National Programme for Poverty Reduction within the Department of Finance The consultants’ analysis will cover the five key evaluation criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability) and the various elements of logical frameworks. Regarding the components "Coffee" and "Privatization," special attention will be given to measuring the performance of interventions, reasoned in a network approach. The STABEX programme contribution to the development of concerned sectors, its impact on the levels and quality of production and generated income, both on the level of producers and agents, will be quantified on the basis of the bottom up approach. At the macroeconomic level, the impact on the trade balance and GDP of Rwanda will also be considered. The evaluation will also verify if the implementation of the program meets the needs of local communities and beneficiaries as well as of National Policy to Fight Against Poverty (EDPRS), Agricultural Development (PSAT 2), environmental development, decentralisation and national reconciliation. This assessment will provide an opportunity to learn from the programme implementation, in the view of future EU funds allowances (10th EDF, Food Facility, ...) which are foreseen for the agricultural sector. The assessment will take into account various aspects of gender and environment.
Start date: 2010-04-01
End date: 2010-10-31