Strategies and development programmes,
Mid-term Evaluation of the EU Banana Support Programme (EU BSP) in Jamaica
European Commission
This mid-term evaluation, which has been foreseen in the Technical and Administrative Provisions of the project’s Financing Agreements, will provide the decision-makers in the Government of Jamaica, the relevant external co-operation services of the European Commission and the wider public with sufficient information to: - make an overall independent assessment about the past performance of the project/ programme, paying particularly attention to the impact of the project actions against its objectives and the sustainability of the results; - identify key lessons and to propose practical recommendations for follow-up actions during the last period of Strategic Framework of Assistance’s implementation (SFA 2007 and SFA 2008) including the management structure of the Programme; - make recommendations for the preparation of the future Banana Accompanying Measures Programme.
Start date: 2010-02-01
End date: 2010-08-31