Project card

Project category

Strategies and development programmes,Expertise and research work,

Project title

Formulation of the Agriculture / Food Security Support Project for Eritrea (Phase I) to be financed under EDF - Eritrea




European Commission


Government of the State of Eritrea

Project description:

Eritrea stretches between the Red and neighbouring countries of Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Drought episodes are recurrent and the country is chronically food insecure. Nevertheless the economy is largely based on subsistence agriculture with 80% of the population involved in cropping and livestock activities. A very limited proportion of the land is arable . The Government of the State of Eritrea (GSE) has presented a document entitled “Eritrea-EU Ties: Broad outline of medium-term cooperation”, outlining the priority development areas that the EC may support within a timeframe of three years: food security, infrastructure, and capacity building. On this basis a Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for the period of 2008-2013 follows a rationale of progress along the path from post-conflict rehabilitation towards development. Main areas of cooperation are consequently food security/rural development and infrastructure rehabilitation as focal sectors, and governance and restoration of national heritage as non focal sectors. The objective of the assignment is to complete the formulation of the programme, consolidated in a formulation report, and to prepare an action fiche and related documents to be submitted to the QSG and subsequently approved for EDF10 financing.

Start date: 2009-03-01

End date: 2009-05-31