Project card

Project category

Applications and submissions for financial resources/assistance, economic analysis,Environmental analysis,Design works,

Project title

Economical activation of the gminas located in Ostrowiecki Powiat through the development of the sanitary sewage system




Management Board of the following gminas: Bodzechów, Ćmielów, Kunów, MWiK Ltd. in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski


Inhabitants and entrepreneurs from the region falling under the project, investors interested in investing capital.

Project description:

Following Gminas of the Ostrowiec Powiat: Bodzechów, Ćmielów, Kunów and MWiK in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski made a decision about common realisation of the investment consisting in development of the sanitary sewage system. In purpose of gaining material means for co-financing planned investments from the European Union pre-accession founds, Management Boards of the above mentioned gminas and MWiK in Ostrowiec Świętokrzysk has ordered EPRD preparing a set of documents necessary to submit an application. Realisation of the investment will be helpful in improving economical and investment attractiveness of the sites falling under the contract, creating conditions suitable in creating conditions favouring the development of entrepreneurship, improving inhibitors’ standard of living, superficial and subterranean water protection against pollution.

Start date: 2001-05-01

End date: 2001-09-30