Project card

Project category

Trainings and Human Resources Development,

Project title

Course of Computer Supported Accountancy




Voivodship Labour Office in Kielcach


people living on the rural areas and in the cities up to 15 000 inhabitants and are registered as unemployed - people possessing rural farm up to the area of 3 ha.

Project description:

Realisation of the project was co-ordinated by the Business Supporting Centres in Mniów, Nowa Słupia, Skarżysko Kamienna, Stąporków and in Włoszczowa. Such an organisation of the Course of Computer Supported Accountancy program implementation resulted from several facts. First of all, unemployed taking part in classes conducted in Business Supporting Centres (CWPs) reported willingness to raise professional qualification. Secondly, the entrepreneurs taking advantages from CWPs’ services often reported the demand for accountancy services. Thirdly, as a result of CWP activities and collected information we are able to certify, that many small enterprises callapse due to underinformation in the matter of Social Security Institution (ZUS) or Treasury Office connected affair . Within the frames of the programme, the benficiaries took part in classes leaded by high qualified training personnel. After the completion of the course they have passed the final exam and they have been handed course completion certificates. Due to hard economical situation of the course participants, they have been granted costs repayment and the scientific scholarship. They have also been handed training materials necessary to classes participation.

Start date: 2002-09-01

End date: 2002-11-30