Project card

Project category

Design works,

Project title

Construction Design of Sewerage Collection System with Connections for Brzezie, Wawrzeńczyce, Pawłów Community Office




Pawłów Community Office


Residents of Brzezie and Wawrzeńczyce Communities

Project description:

The purpose of the project is sewerage collection system for the cities Brzezie and Wawrzeńczyce in Pawłów Community. Background. Brzezie and Wawrzeńczyce are small communities located in south-east part of Poland with population of approximately 798 peoples. There is no existing sewage collection system within the townsite of Brzezie and Wawrzeńczyce. The only waste disposal facilities that exist are on-site disposal units. This consist primarily of septic tanks. The economy of the cities is a captive of the agriculture. The government pays great attention to protect the environment and especially to the proper disposal and treatment of waste water. Water demand for urban and agricultural use is approximately 47 liters M,d, consisting of 100 percent groundwater. The project takes into account both efficiency and social issues, within an environmental perspective. Project Description. The proposed Project covers part of the sewage system extension investment for Pawłów Community. The whole design requires construction of 15600 meters of sewers, including pressure mains and gravity sewers 148 connections and 6 pumping stations. The Sanitary Sewer System for Brzezie and Wawrzeńczyce is designed so that the main of the waste collected flows ”downhill” by gravity to the pump stations. The pumping stations lift the wastewater to the adjacent gravity sewer. The designed sanitary sewer collection system for the cities will consist of the optimal for the existing geological conditions gravity powered sewers partially combined with pressure sewers and pumping stations. Design and Construction Overview. The sewerage pipeline for Brzezie and Wawrzeńczyce will range over an area of 2,000 ha . The system was designed as not to fell trees and interfere with natural environment. Exposed areas, removed vegetative cover, paving and roadsides will be completely re-created in as built stage. Construction of the sanitary Sewer system is designed as watertight of 200, 160 and 90 millimeters of diameter PVC and PE pipes. Polyethylene manholes at intersections and inspection chambers 1.00 meters in diameter flow channels and connection manholes are designed as 425 and 600 millimeters in diameter. Inlet and outlet pipes will be joined to the manhole with a gasketed flexible watertight connection provided with watertight seal. All pumping stations will be encased in watertight concrete tanks. Every pumping stations will be supplied with electricity. Pumping stations will be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles through access roads which is subject of separate project of the facility area management. One of the pomp stations located in sanitary protection zone will be provided with electric power generator equipped with auto-start capability. Channels for sewers entering or crossing streams will be drilled and constructed of ductile protection pipe.

Start date: 2004-03-01

End date: 2005-03-31