Applications and submissions for financial resources/assistance, economic analysis,Environmental analysis,
Construction of sewerage system for the Town of Busko-Zdrój
Busko - Zdrój Town and Gmina Management Board
The Business fraternity and inhabitants of the region encompassed by the project and investors interested in the capital market
Since 2001 the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship has been encompassed by the PHARE Socio-economic Cohesion Programme provision for financing up to 75% of eligible costs of authorised projects. With the intent of obtaining such resources from the EU PHARE Pre-accession Fund for the investment re ‘Extension to the town’s sewerage system’, measuring 53km, the Busko - Zdrój Town and Gmina Management Board assigned EPRD the task of preparing the necessary documentation and application (project fiches). The realization of the project envisages increasing the land available for future investment development and creation of new businesses. This in turn would provide places of work in the town by boosting employment in the therapy and tourist sector
Start date: 2000-10-01
End date: 2000-12-31