Expertise and research work,
National expertise to support the identification of skills supply and demand at regional and local level in the Republic of North Macedonia
European Training Foudnation (ETF)
Republic of North Macedonia
This overall assignment refers to the implementation of a complex analysis of skills demand and supply in the regions of South West, Polog and North East of the country, where the Regional VET Centres will be established. It will also summarise the key methodological elements for a future replication of similar skills supply-demand analysis in the other regions of the country. The analysis will describe the current and future skills demand in the three regions by exploring the growth potential of sectors and sub-sectors at regional and, if feasible, sub-regional (municipality) level, the socio-demographic developments and calculate any current skills gap or surplus. It will take into account current skills stocks (size of age cohorts etc.), and trends in education choice (secondary VET or general programmes, tertiary; school to work transition rates). It will also provide a forecast of skills needs (quality and quantity) in the medium to long term which will permit the calculation of the potential skills deficit. The analysis will make use of existing labour market information (e.g. MAKSTAT and PES sources), specific analyses of employers’ needs, tracer studies, education administrative data etc. It will gather additional insights on skills demand and supply problems at municipal level to produce a reliable description of economic needs and social context in the three regions. The analysis will also factor in the strategic orientations of the country in relevant fields such as economic growth, regional development, digitalisation and innovation etc.
Start date: 2019-03-22
End date: 2019-10-31