Strategies and development programmes,
Technical Assistance to successful NGOs from the anticorruption grant scheme 2009
Bosna and Herzegovina
European Commission
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a potential candidate for EU membership. The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU was signed in June 2008. The 2009 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) demonstrates that corruption remains a serious challenge for the entire region. All of the countries included registered scores below 5 (out of 10) indicating that they face serious perceived levels of domestic, public-sector corruption. Corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina is prevalent in many areas and continues to be a serious problem, especially within government and other State and Entity structures, linked to public procurement, business licensing, in the health, energy, transportation infrastructure and education sectors. Private sector corruption is also prevalent. The establishment of an anticorruption body, the implementation of the updated Strategy and Action Plan, as well as consequent investigation and prosecution of corruption cases, need to be ensured. Overall objective Contribute to democratic stabilisation, reconciliation and further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening the civil society to participate in the decision and policy making processes at all government levels and in all fields of governance. Purpose To increase capacities of granted NGOs from IPA 2008 and IPA2009 anti corruption grant scheme to combat corruption
Start date: 2011-02-01
End date: 2013-01-31