Project card

Project category

Strategies and development programmes,

Project title

Study of pre conditions and direction policies for spatial management for the gmina of Iwierzyce




Iwierzyce Gmina Management Board


Project description:

In pursuance of the requirements determined by the act dated on 7 July 1994 about the spatial planning, the main objective of the elaboration of conditions and directions of spatial planning in the study is to define the spatial policy of the gmina. It is the answer to the question which relates to goals and measures of spatial management of the gmina in the long term. The premises of the gmina’s authorities is located 5 km south of the road no 4, 64 km east of Tarnów, 25 km west of Rzeszów – the capital of Podkarpackie voivodshop. Area of the gmina has elongated shape. On the south-north direction length of the gmina is about 9 km, but it is 5 km wide in the direction of west-east. As far as the administration division is concerned the gmina of Iwierzyce is a part of podkarpackie voivodship (before 1.01.1999 rzeszowskie voivodship) and it is situated in the central part of this voivodship, at the same time being a part of rapczycko-sędziszowski poviat.

Start date: 1998-04-01

End date: 2002-12-31