Project card

Project category

Trainings and Human Resources Development,Strategies and development programmes,

Project title

Improving the visibility of the EC Liaison Office to Kosovo Project




the European Commission


The EC Liaison Office to Kosovo

Project description:

The ECLO is responsible for the implementation the IPA assistance to Kosovo. The ECLO Operations Section specifically is responsible for the day to day implementation of all EC funded projects which means that each contractor is responsible for the visibility and communication of the projects they implement. The need for increased/strengthened and harmonised visibility of EU funded projects resides in the large number of contracts managed by each team in the ECLO Operations Section and also in the need to increase capacity of ECLO staff and implementing partners in understanding and following common visibility and communications guidelines of EC assistance. The global objective of the project is to increase the overall visibility of the projects managed by the ECLO to Kosovo, in particular the Operations Section. The specific objectives of the project are: - The drafting of the visibility and communication strategy for the Operation Section. - The production of a visibility and communication materials/items. - Strengthening the capacity of the ECLO staff and contractors in promoting the EC projects in Kosovo.

Start date: 2010-05-01

End date: 2010-08-31