Strategies and development programmes,Expertise and research work,
Provision of a Review Team to carry out an End of Term Evaluation of Stabex 99 Interventions in the Education Sector in Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
European Commission
Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination in Solomon Islands
The Framework of Mutual Obligations between SIG and the EU, signed in July 2001, committed €29,173,987 from Stabex 99 to the Education Sector; specifically to focus on basic education and the development of a sector wide programme. The period of ethnic tension 1998 to 2002 created a difficult environment for development; where most aspects of government were dysfunctional, including the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education itself. During this period of instability the educational system deteriorated seriously, particularly in terms of infrastructure, inspectorate and planning systems, teacher morale and the quality of educational service delivered. Access to Stabex 99 was frozen from 2001 to 2003. To enable some emergency activity a Post Conflict Memorandum of Understanding was signed enabling access to Euro 5 million specifically to provide emergency support to secondary schools, SICHE (Solomon Islands College of Higher Education) and tertiary scholarships for students overseas. The overall objective of the review is to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of Stabex 99 ESIRP (Education Sector Investment and Reform Programme) interventions in the Education Sector in Solomon Islands and to provide recommendations on future EC and other development partners’ cooperation in this Sector. The purpose is to undertake an end of term review and evaluation (of relevance and quality of design; efficiency; effectiveness; impact; sustainability) of the interventions (GPEs – Global Programme Estimates - and TA contracts) to determine the extent to which they have assisted educational improvement and reform towards agreed activities and outcomes identified in the MEHRD(Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development) Work Programmes (i.e. the NEAP 2007-2009 and the ESF 2007-2015), also establishing whether the objectives and results in the logical frameworks of GPEs and TA contracts have been attained and how they contributed to the ESIRP arrangement or Education Sector Wide Approach (SWAp). Furthermore, the review shall give recommendations based on the lessons learnt for any future EU-support to the Education Sector, including the relations with other development partners. Each aspect of the project review and evaluation should be graded.
Start date: 2010-05-01
End date: 2010-07-31