Project card

Project category

Strategies and development programmes,Expertise and research work,

Project title

Technical Review of Project ”Support to the Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Information Management and Policy Unit (FAAHM) in Developing an Agricultural Statistics and Market Information System - Technical Assistance” - Afghanistan




EC Delegation


Mainly MAIL, but other institutions like MRRD, CSO and other line-ministries will equally benefit for activities connected with overall economic development. The other important group of beneficiaries will be farmers, consumers, traders and rural communities

Project description:

Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Information Management and Policy Unit (FAAHM) and Central Statistics Office (CSO) are the two government agencies responsible for providing current agriculture statistics and market price data. When FAAHM started in 2003, it was in an emergency mode and meant to provide quick and rapid assessment essentially to cover part of the food security and no provision on capacity building or institutional strengthening. EC funded FAAHM Phase II started on 1st September, 2006 with prime focus on improving agricultural data collection, processing, reports and dissemination and ensuring much needed capacity building. With a total cost of € 3 million, the project has a three years duration which is expected to end by August, 2009. During the implementation period, FAAHM has been instrumental in collecting, compiling, processing and reporting price and marketing information on regular basis. Global objective Assist Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock in developing agricultural statistics and marketing information system in support of agricultural development planning and policy making with particular focus on food security and poverty alleviation. Specific objective(s) The assignment is aimed at: 1. Full review carried out of the FAAHM project . 2. Assessment whether the objectives of the project are being achieved. 3. Project results and outputs reviewed and assessment carried out whether these are in line with the project document and how best they can be achieved. 4. Efficiency and adequacy of project implementation reviewed including availability of funds as compared with the budget. 5. Adequacy of monitoring and evaluation system. 6. Linkages with other divisions within Policy & Planning Department of MAIL. 7. Assessment of possibility of incorporating a regional overview of food markets and identify similar programmes in neighbouring countries. 8. Review the dissemination of generated information and reports. 9. Design and proposal for the next phase.

Start date: 2009-06-01

End date: 2009-07-31